Problems to install Charts

I tried to install Navigraph Charts on Windows 10. The installation programme didn’t finish the installation of the Navigraph Charts, it reported missing link to navigraph charts exe file. I deleted the part of the programme that was installed (uninstall option didn’t work, also not following the instructions on the support forum webpage) and tried to reinstall it to the path, recommended in the forum. I have done all this with admin rights on the computer. The installation starts, asks for the path, then continues and abrupts at about one third of the process with the message “installation unsuccessful”.
What can I do ?



I suggest a fresh install.

Disable Antivirus in case that is an issue.

I shall assume Windows.

Please use only Windows Programs and Features exactly as follows to uninstall Simlink and Charts:

  • If they exist delete folders:
    c:\Program Files\Navigraph\Simlink
    c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph\Charts c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Navigraph Charts
  • Download and install latest Charts .
  • Download and install latest Simlink .

Please let us know how you get on.


Hi Ian !

It didn’t work.
When I want to install charts, it comes the following Message:

If I ignore this, then after the Installation comes the following message:

Do you know, what this means ?

Best regards Gary

After trying all the suggestions, I was unable to install Charts.
After disabling all firewalls, I managed to install Navigraph Charts