Good morning, I am a scenary developer for MSFS2020. I have to design some FICTIONAL airports and I should test the DEPARTURE and LANDING procedures through the navdata inserted in the SQLITE database relating to the PMDG 737-800.
I managed to integrate all the data relating to my fictional airport into your database except the APPROACHES that I find in the tbliaps table.
Also for the table relating to the SID/STARS is it possible to have a detailed description of the fields of these tables?
Obviously my fictional airport is not disclosed but it is useful for my study to test the various procedures with the 737-800.
I trust in your feedback.
Musoni Giampaolo
I answer myself: I found this documentation, Thanks
Just to be clarify, it is not allowed to add or change the PMDG database. Also, it is not allowed to provide the database somewhere, you may only be used by yourself.
The documentation from the dev portal website is for the DFD (Digital Flight Data) and it must not be 100% compatible with the datasets. The DFD is “only” the base …
Hi, yes the PMDG database is used exclusively by me, only for my test, for my personal use only and is not disclosed to anyone. I found the description in the development section and I’m trying to insert new data. I can’t show the approach to the PMDG FMS, but it recognizes the ILS and everything else. Thank you for your reply
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