While MSFS has become very stable recently, the odd CTD still occurs. It would be great if Navigraph had an option to periodically autosave during flights, so we can easily load back if a CTD occurs.
Not to mention at this point, this would be very useful in MSFS 2024.
This is not a Navigraph responsibility, and it makes little sense as part of our products. It sounds more like something that would be built by the community!
I figured since Navigraph already tracks a flight live with Charts, it could also save flights periodically, allowing users to reload a flight from any saved point along their routes. Useful in the event of a CTD or if the user wants to replay their approach and landing.
In any case, I’m still very happy with my subscription. Keep up the great work!
It is true that we can track the position, but the file that you are looking for contains a lot more information than just your position. We do not currently have this information.
Is the sim really having CTDs that often still? I remember that being an issue with 32-bit FSX but I have not experienced it since then! I guess it could be useful to some if that is the case, but it is indeed outside our scope for now at least.
I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying your subscription! Thank you for the suggestion!