Add an option to leave a path behind the position of the aircraft, so you can have a visual path of what exactly have you been doing.
A button in which you could activate or deactivate this function and whenever you deactivate it it doesn’t delete the path but just stops showing. So you activate it and it shows the path again.
I think this is a good idea specially if you are starting to fly IFR with a multi-engine. It’s nice to see if you are doing the procedures correctly or not.
And since we already have the actual position of the aircraft I don’t think it is that hard to code this.
Best regards!
Came here to request a breadcrumbs feature!
Would also be great for practicing VFR maneuvers.
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I think this would be a great added feature. Ideally, you could save the flight tracks that you make both for use within Charts but also export as KMZ (or other) map tracking file formats.
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I‘d also very much appreciate a breadcrumb feature like this! Great for any kind of flight really, of course especially for training patterns and approach training! Thank you
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+1 Would be a great addition for self-debriefing IFR practice flights!
Will this ever be implemented?. I am using garmin pilot but I don’t like it as much as navigraph, I know little navmaps has it but they don’t have an app for tablet. Devs any news on this?. It’s been almost a year since this was requested T_T
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This would be a great feature when practicing holds, landing pattern, VOR…
It already is implemented. Under the ownship button.
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That is amazing! Thank You!!
How did I miss the announcement? You usually draw attention to new features.
Your program is the best!
June Bakke
It’s part of the “online networks” update, but because it’s a small feature relative to the functionality introduced in the update it wasn’t advertized specifically.