Parking positions

Why wrong parking positions aren’t updated in MSFS 2020 by Navdata Center (when they are perfectly updated in LittleNavMap by FMS Data Manager) ?

the reason is that both uses two different datasets and the gates are currently not implemented in MSFS. We have started an new internal PoC to look how we can further improve the MSFS with our fully covered worldwide real-world data.


Thank you very much for your quick answer.

I hope that this problem can be solved in the future (when many add-on sceneries, even freeware, can relocate the gates to the right position).

Otherwise, Navigraph is absolutely great.

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Envoyé le: Ve, 14 Avr 2023 11:07
Sujet: [Navigraph] [MSFS Navdata/Navigraph Navdata Center] Parking positions

| NAVData FMS Data Developer
April 14 |

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the reason is that both uses two different datasets and the gates are currently not implemented in MSFS. We have started an new internal PoC to look how we can further improve the MSFS with our fully covered worldwide real-world data.

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