I just bought a yearly sub for FMS data only. I can only use Hawaii, and I have a warning message telling me I am in the demo version? Did I have to buy the charts too? If so, the FMS portion is misleading a tad bit, as I could have just used the demo free. What do I need to do to get the full version? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
After further review, It would appear that to use the planning function (route planner) which has me on the “demo”, I would need to upgrade to ultimate - Is this correct? If so, I am all over it. I just wanted updated FMS for MFS and P2ATC, however, the planning feature looks excellent.
Welcome to our new forum,
To access Charts with charts planning and FMS Data you need Ultimate (Monthly or Yearly).
You can convert across to Ultimate at subcriptions . Your existing payment will be credited against the new subscription.
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