Option to load SimBrief flight plan inside MSFS

Hi everyone!
I haven’t seen this request yet on the MSFS forums, so I created one because I think this could be helpful. Feel free to vote on this if you think the same! :slight_smile:


This has been implemented with SimBrief Dispatch for MSFS!

@JackLavigne Hi, I’m newly subscribed to Navigraph because of this plugin for MSFS. I can’t see the option to use SimBrief Dispatch in-game. It’s in my community folder, unzipped. I don’t have Flow. I’m not the best at using windows 11, it’s all a bit new. Any tips?

Hi! Glad to hear that. Do you see the panel once in-sim?

A possible compatibility issue is if you have any other addons that are modifying the world map (only one that comes to mind is the filters addon I think). If that’s the case, you will either need to reach out to the developer or remove it.


Thanks for quick reply. This is the first add-on. I don’t have filters or anything other than flybywire a380 and liveries. I’ll give it time.

No, I don’t see the panel like I see in YouTube vids

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