Old VFR MAP back, please

The new VFR-Map is a drag! :face_exhaling: Can we have our old VFR-Map back, please!?


As a beta tester your input is not useful. Please explain whet you are seeking and what is the issue.


The new VFR-Map is a drag! :face_exhaling: Can we have our old VFR-Map back, please!?

Being a bit pedantic here, but there never was an ā€œold VFR mapā€, only a ā€œworld mapā€, which technically isnā€™t the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, there is a much more productive discussion in the following topic:




Dear Rodeo314

You made my day! Your pictureof the map looks phantastic! Now I even can see the mountains! I did not stumble over the last button on the filter page ā€œBaseā€ so my map looked really terrible. Now the ā€œWorld Mapā€ is much more to my liking, especially as I fly very often in the Swiss Alps. Thank you verymuch for the hint!

Kind regards


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