Airport Parsabade Moghan, Iran (OITP) has procedures in the FMS download and in the Charts apps but the Charts app doesn’t have the charts themselves. I assume you must have the charts, otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to create the procedures?
The situation is still the same with OITP. Could someone from Navigraph offer some insight into how there can be procedures but no charts?
This is an example of the route created in Charts. The route has a STAR and approach, including a DME arc but the charts themselves are not included.
Could someone advise whether you have the charts and if there is any possibility of providing them? If not, how did you manage to create the procedures and is there any way for me to at least find waypoint altitude restrictions so I can fly the procedures blind?
The answer is provided in the FAQ:
A Jeppesen customer may well have required AIRAC data and not the charts as they source them elsewhere.
You could use LittleNavMap or Aivlasoft EFB for a graphic depiction of the procedures which are driven by the AIRAC data. Whilst not replacing a chart it is likely to provide what you are looking for.
Thank you for the insight into the FAQ.
After trying a different approach to searching, I did manage to locate a source of Iranian charts, including OITP:
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