Ofp looks differnet

Hello ,i have a small problem ,when i creat a flight plan and i use LIDO OFP all looks ok but when i choice another layout the pdf flight plan looks diffrent
LGAVEPPO_PDF_1734350002.pdf (938.3 KB)
LGAVEPPO_PDF_1734350181.pdf (944.4 KB)
Here i sent two diferent flightplans one is with default lido and other one with DLH

Well, yes, a different OFP format will look different, that’s the point. LIDO is a “generic” format whereas the DLH format is modeled after real-world Lufthansa briefings (and so on for the other airline-specific formats).



Edit: see here how the real-world DLH format is very similar to the one simulated on Simbrief (OFP starts on page 35):

Hello,thank you for quick reply

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