I was just in the process of updating my nav data in the hub, when I noticed that instead of the button reading “Update”, it read “Install”. Confused, I pressed the button, and it has created two folders in my Community folder with odd looking folder names.
Checking the folder creation dates, the ones prefixed with the “}}}”, and “!!!”, are the new folders.
I was sure I already had 2501 installed, and thought this was perhaps a revision update, but that normally just overwrite the existing folders IIRC.
I checked this file, and it’s contents:
“D:\Flight Simulator\Community\navigraph-nav-base\ContentInfo\navigraph-navdata\cycle.json”
The the new file, in the new folder:
“D:\Flight Simulator\Community\!!!navigraph-nav-base\ContentInfo\navigraph-navdata\cycle.json”
To my eyes they read the same, so I’m unsure as to why it created new folders. The only difference is I installed the latest SU1 beta update yesterday, but didn’t try to update the data until this morning.