Navdata 2501 rev2 Beta


The Hub indicated an airac update this morning which I duly carried out.

I now have the following lines in my msfs2024 community folder and wonder if this is correct?


Thank you, Bruce (msfs24 Store, PC, Win11)


Yes, this is indeed correct. It is our attempt at a temporary workaround for an issue in the simulator, where the order that we explicitly set for our packages are not respected. Instead, the simulator only sorts packages alphabetically!

!!! will be sorted high up in the order, and {{{ will be sorted last. Sort of like A to Z, but even more “extreme”.

The unfortunate side effect of this update is that you may now find that you have 4 navigation data packages in your community folder, one set without these prefixes and one set with them. Those that have prefixes are the newest version and should be kept, the others will be automatically removed the next time you update your data through the Hub! You may manually remove the old ones if you want to do it already, but according to our tests it is not necessary.

Apologies for the inconvenience! We will revert back to the normal naming scheme as soon as Asobo fixes the core issue. You can track our support ticket here:

Kind Regards,

Wow! ok thanks for that explanation, great.

Cheers, Bruce

With the new update I am having another issue, whenever I exit a flight to the Main menu, the sim crashes to desktop.

In MSFS 2020?



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