Not logged in with simbried?

I have created a fp in Navigraph…generated it into simbrief but which directory do I insert it into.?
In the cockpit FMS I get the warning NOT LOGGED INTO SIMBIEF,but I am
Some help please
Thank you

Which aircraft in which simulator?



Hello Tim and thanks for your input
I am using standard edition MSFS2020 and also using the 747 in the package

And you entered your simbrief pilot ID in the FMC?



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Thanks a million Tim. That did the trick.!
I don’t think there are any pointers to the info you have given me. I think a lot of pilots will find your info invaluable.
Once again…thank you/ I can now fly again

Hello Tim and thank you for your informative mail.
I followed your instructions with great success !
The information you gave me is not published anywhere, as far as I can see, for the info of people using MSFS2020.
I have saved your video for future reference
Best wishes and regards from Donald.

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