New look simbrief Problem

Good evening
I can’t find how to export my flight plan to various formats: pln, garming etc. I just have XML data…
the old version had the merit of being easier to use for exporting flight plans.

Merci pour votre aide :slight_smile:


This issue actually existed in the old version as well. This happens either if you have not specified a route (the route is empty), or the “Detailed Navlog” option is not selected.

In rare cases, SimBrief can fail to find a route automatically if you choose 2 airports that few users have flown before. When it fails to find a route, you can use some of the other routing tools to find or generate one. For example, GRD, EDI-GLA,, or RouteFinder.

Once you check that the route is not empty, you also need to make sure the “Detailed Navlog” option is selected, like so:

It is quite rare for SimBrief to not find a route, so in many cases resolving this is as simple as enabling the Navlog option.

Best regards,

Thank you very much for your answer, I’m glad to know that I will be able to solve this problem.
Good day to you

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