Navigraph not downloading

I completely installed a fresh version of X-Plane 11.51 and downloaded a fresh brand new version of the Navigraph data manager reinstalled it a dozen times, rebooted a dozen times, how can this possibly be an easy route using a data manager. I’ve been with sim flying for 20 years and have done this in the past a lot easier than now.

Hi Stephen,


Is this for Windows or macOS ? Which version.

Assuming Windows,

Lets start afresh.

Please disable any Antivirus and firewall.

Please use Windows to uninstall FMS Data Manager. Specifically use FAQ - Charts desktop installer fails immediately

If they exist, please delete folders:
c:\ProgramData\Navigraph\FMSClient and c:\Program Files (x86)\Navigraph\FMS Data Manager.

Please download and install latest FMS Data Manager .

Please check X-Plane 11 path in Settings page is correct.

In Addon List select and Remove entry X-Plane 11 (11.50+). You should have entry X-Plane 11 (11.50+) again. Press Scan and Save.

In Addon List what happens when you select and Update entry X-Plane 11 (11.50+)

Please let us know how you get on.


Yes, I’m on Win10. I did all this and appears it downloaded with 2014 rev 1 now but my X-Plane 11\Custom Data folder still just has a readme.txt file. I don’t think I have the current FMS data nor does it look like my Custom Data folder is updated.

It looks like I now have some content in the custom data folder. I’m sure this answered somewhere but what is the best way to track our FMS Data to know if X-Plane is current?

Hi Steven,

Most times I just use the default B737-800 Status page:

Alternatively you can read…your X-Plane 11\Custom Data\cycle_info.txt:

AIRAC cycle : 2014
Version : 1
Valid (from/to): 31/DEC/2020 - 28/JAN/2021

Forum :

Data provided by Navigraph - - Source data copyright © 2020 Jeppesen
This data may be used for ground based recreational computer game
simulation software only, and may not be recompiled, interpreted,
or distributed for any purpose without the written consent of Navigraph.
The contents of this database is dated and must not be used for real
world navigation as it is unlawful and unsafe to do so.

Parser-Version : DFD v1.0 20.1216 © Richard Stefan
Files parsed on: 16/12/2020


ok, thanks. There used to be a screen display in the Cessna 172 430 or 530 too but I cannot find it anymore.

Hi Steven,

You are welcome.


While we are communicating about getting it setup, I wish X-Plane would show the version in the Cessna 172 430 or 530 because I still don’t know if it is the current version in X-Plane. I think it is but who knows. Secondly, what is the quickest and easiest way to get Navigraph installed for MSFS2020?

Meaning, it appears Navigraph is in beta for MSFS. So do you recommend trying to get Navigraph for MSFS at this point or should I wait?

you can try - you don´t delete/change anything. With the “Navigraph Navdata Installer” you can remove the data, when it´s not ok for you and you have immediately the stock data. So, there is no configuration change or similar else. Install it, try it and enjoy it …

The database is absolutely stable, with all the default aircrafts also with the good different mods from the community. Why still in beta? The reason is, that the SDK is still incomplete and when we release it official, we must be sure, that all what we do is also 100% confirmed from ASOBO/MS.

The second point is, that the sim is changing very often at the moment. What is good, don´t misunderstand me here because they try to improve the sim from update to update, but it´s a little tricky to follow they internal changes from time to time.

But all in all, the database is ready for a public release. We are also still improving some things, when we see, if we can do something better as the default database. Also, when we receive some reports about bugs, we also fix it with the different revisions. So, it´s a “life project” :slight_smile:

Hope that helps and let us know, when we can help you in any case … but again, try it and make your own judgment about completeness, accuracy and stability.


Thank you for the quick reply. Since Navigraph does not have a formal “path” yet in the settings for MSFS, then I am not sure how to start unfortunately. So my main point is what folder from Navigraph with all the FMS data can be copied to what folder in MSFS since it is not automated in Navigraph Data Manager?

Actually, I see now that there are really two entirely different installs of MSFS whether you buy the Steam version or the MS Store version. The files are totally different and installed differently.

I am using the Steam version. But having two entirely different installs is going to make it extremely hard to support for both Navigraph and MS.

Hi again Steven,
you only need the “Navigraph Navdata Installer”, nothing more. You can download it from here

Install this installer anywhere OUTSIDE of your sim, in a seperate folder on your system. This installer identified your sim automatically (means if you are using the store-version or the steam-version). Ater the installation, login with your navigraph-account and install the AIRAC. That´s it …

When you want to remove it again … open again our “Navigraph Navdata Installer” and press the “remove”-button and all we be set to the original state.

When all is done, and you see that the AIRAC is installed. Start the sim, goto “Profile → Content Manager” and look for “Navigraph”. You should see this (but only revision 1 - revision 2 which is showing here is on the way ;-)) … when you see this, you can be sure, that the cycle is installed correctly.

It is very, very important that you install the files always via our installer and not via a manual copy of anything. The installer does more in the background, therefore.

Hope that helps for a first start

Thank you. I have the Steam version and Steam in installed on D:\ in its own folder and Navigraph is installed on D: in it’s own folder. But the scan for addons does not find MSFS at all. I just have the X-Plane working well though other than I would like to see the version in Xplane 172 430 and 530 but I know that’s not a Navigraph issue.

Steven, for the MSFS AIRAC you need a new installer - the “Navigraph Navdata Installer”, which you can download here.

This is a complete new installer only for MSFS2020. You don´t need the FMS Data Manager showing you in your screenshot. Download this installer, install it and install the AIRAC - that´s it for MSFS2020.

The FMS Data Manager from your screenshot is ONLY for

  • FS9
  • FSX
  • P3D (all version)
  • XP10
  • and XP11


wow…sorry, I completely misunderstood what is going on here and thought there was only one installer. I apologize for not understanding. I totally missed that point. I am installing it now and will let you know.

No problem Steven, yes correct … the new installer should be the future :wink: and we use it for our first product the MSFS2020 AIRAC packages :wink:

ok, so can I just uninstall the old one for X-Plane and just use this one for both now? Or do I still need both?

ok, I have this installed now:

No you still need both, when you have MSFS2020 and any other sim … as you see, the new “Navigraph Navdata Installer” is at the moment only for MSFS2020. This installer doesn´t support any other sim but this is a ongoing project for us and the goal is, to add all features (and more) from the FMS Data Manager into the new “Navigraph Navdata Installer”.

So, please keep both and use both installer. You need it for your sim (what I have understood now is, that you´re using XP11 and MSFS2020).

Happy flying,

PERFECT :+1: … enjoy it and let us know, when you have any issues … when you want to update to a new revision or when you want to go back to the default navdata. Press simple the “Remove” button and you have all as before.
