This is screenshot right after click on Navigraph in-game panel icon. No charts or log-in message appears.
Well, for completeness, the screenshot above is when I mouse over the Navigraph icon. When I click on it, it turns white but nothing appears. As below.
Hello there Patrick! Sorry that you’re seeing this issue.
I know it’s been 9 days since you posted, but would you mind telling me if this has been resolved since then?
I moved your posts from the other thread because this does not seem to be the same issue.
If I understand correctly, the panel does not show at all, while the other thread was for users that saw the panel frame and background but nothing else.
Please advise and I’ll do my best to assist, should the issue not have been resolved already.
Kind Regards,
I was called out of town and won’t be able to answer any questions until February 1.
–Patrick Day