I have installed Navigraph database using Hub into MSFS24 however when I check the GPS data in my sim it is using Asobo Database.
Using the PMS GTN750 or default Garmin GPS I have the same issue.
I have checked a friend’s system with a similar setup apart from I am using a Steam install versus his is MS Store install and his GPS’s are using Navigraph data.
Please post screenshots from say the default VisionJet G3000 showing the issue.
From which aircraft and addon is the Version Info?
In the Vision Jet, using PMS50 GTN750
Database source on friend’s system says navigraph instead of Asobo
This occurs in all aircraft when I use the PMS50 or Garmin 530 such as in installed in
the Skycrane
I get:
Wouldn’think License Type Free vs Premium should affect it
Maybe try reinstalling all using Hub?
That’s exactly what I’m seeing on my friend’s system and his is Premium. Can’t work out why mine is not using Navigraph data. I have uninstalled and reinstalled navdata multiple times.
This is also happening in other aircraft not using the PMS50 such as Justflight RJ and F28.
I’m having this exact same issue and it’s driving me nuts - I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the Hub multiple times and it still continues to happen. This happens on ALL planes except for the Fenix 321/320/319… I’ve checked and rechecked everything and can’t fix it.
Same issue here. Can’t use navigraph supplied airacs. I have no procedures for any airports if i do. Uninstalling / deleting the navi base and jepp folders “fixes” it, the Garmins show asobo source and shoe procedures. Same for pms 750
Hello everyone!
It sounds like this issue is very likely to be related to an ongoing package ordering issue in the simulator - see this post for more information:
Kind Regards,
I believe Asobo fixes something related to order in SU1 Beta ( At least they mentioned something )
That’d be great! What entries specifically are you referring to? We are not seeing any immediately obvious entries regarding this issue. I found the following:
- Fixed community packages being duplicated inside content.xml on each boot. Already existing duplicates are removed from file on boot.
And under “MYLIBRARY”:
- Fixed sorting
While any could be related, there is no evidence of a fix as of yet. Feel free to try it out, though, and please do let us know if it works for you!
Kind Regards,
I’ve tried installing the cycle in 2024 running SU1 beta. Issue still persists
Matteo, still no response from ASOBO/MS … The fix in the SU1 beta removes only the double entries that will be created from the sim in the content.xml file.
But still no answer about the loading order rules
Here is our report from December last year:
Sorry, it’s also frustrating for us.
I kind of suspected this. Im in the beta now and was having the same issue. So, I renamed the navigraph base and jepp folders so they both started with 0a1 amd 0ab respectively. To see if packages are loaded alphabetically.
What do ya know, it works. I have all procedures, wpts, charts, etc.
When you read my previous posting and our question to ASOBO/MS, you will see that the packages will only be loaded after the alphabet.
But you can’t rename all packages whenever you install a new scenery or a new aircraft… therefore this is only a temporary and generic solution because everyone has different packages installed.
In 2020, there was a rule set on how and in which situation what package will be loaded. This doesn’t exist in 2024 any longer (at least it seems). We get no support from ASOBO/MS, even when we try to push our questions; therefore, there is no real solution.
Thanks for the testing and for the confirmation about renaming the packages.
That has nothing to do with SU1 beta; it works similarly in the current version. The packages will be loaded ONLY in order of the alphabet.
Thank you for confirming this! We are currently working on adding a prefix to the package when used with 2024 for this exact reason, so it is nice to hear that this method has had previous success.
While it is not a fool-proof solution (like Richard outlines) but more of a workaround, we hope that it will work for a majority of people at least! We’ll try to have it ready as soon as possible.
Kind Regards,
Hello. I did the same but it did not work.
Same issue with missing waypoints. I’m also on SU1 beta