Charts 8 seems to only recognize the PDT VORTAC in Spain but not the one in Oregon. When I try to fix the route in charts, it still thinks I want go on holiday in Spain.
I’ve had a similar issue today. Routing from EDDB to LFRQ, my last waypoint is the Monts d’Arree VOR in western France, identifier ARE. No matter how i try to add that VOR to my flightplan (drag drop, type it in the route, import through Simbrief) it will add the ARE NDB, which is located in Brasil, instead.
Interesting because the one in Spain also showed up in the G3000/5000 when I downloaded the route as well, but SIMBRIEF was showing the PDT in Oregon in its routing as well.
Ah, yes, it loaded the correct navaid in the CJ4 FMS through Simbrief import. The Simbrief OFP also showed the correct ARE VOR in France. Only the Navigraph Charts app jumped to the ARE NDB in Brasil every time.