Navigraph Charts beta testing starting soon!

Hi there!

We’re soon starting the beta testing of our eight version of Navigraph Charts. All users with an active Ultimate subscription are now welcome to apply to our Navigraph Charts Beta Tester Program.

Follow the link to the registration form below and we will contact you when it is your turn to try out the new product.

Apply now

The application window will close on Thursday May 26.


I’ve applied.

Some really nice features planned so far. Looking forward it!


Any chance you still have some spot for the beta program? I missed the window :frowning:

Hi! I can’t make any promises, but I’ll see what I can do :slightly_smiling_face:

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Man alive! I missed the window for this VFR beta testing also. Normally I don’t signup for beta testing anyway but for this feature, I feel differently.

Should there be another opportunity to participate, I’d very much like to support this activity.


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Hi Jack! I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:

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Too bad I missed this, any chance I can still join?

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Just wondering, have invitations started going out? Or is that still to come?

Also hoping I might make it into the beta program? I missed the window as well.

Same here if possible…

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Hi Team,

All your requests will be considered. We are likely to test in different waves of testers.


Sounds good, Ian.

Would love to participate as well!


I signed up for the beta when the window was still open and no invite. Do professional beta testing in my career and fly almost daily, both of which I mentioned in the sign-up, and wasn’t included on the beta.

Hope I’ll be included soon.


Do we already have invitations?
Has the beta already started?
where can we read about?

The beta hasn’t started yet. We shall contact all beta applicants before it does.



ok, thanks.
Have been making me wonder a lot if there would be such a silent start of the beta.
Thanks for clarifying

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Ah, my comment was based off someone in another thread saying they received an invite. They must’ve meant they received an invite to sign up to be a participant rather than an invite to the beta itself. Apologies for my comment! Very much look forward to the beta!

Any news?

20 characters

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Hi …,

A limited closed beta has commenced. We shall consider the next invites when we have processed the current feedback.
