I’m quite disappointed at not having been chosen for this beta round!
Accepted for the Beta test and received my invite. But cannot find any link to download any Beta software?
Not sure whether this includes the MSFS in-game panel, but if it does and you need more VR testers, me and my Varjo Aero would be up for helping with testing.
Hi there,
I have sent you a message with instructions on how to proceed.
Kind Regards
Hi I missed the beta invite. Any way I can get added?
Hello, I would like to ask for beta invite, back then when application was open I did not have a lot of time to fly neither knew about this.
Now I have a lot of spare time and I’d like to help with beta program for Navigraph… the best charts out there.
Your interest in joining as a Beta tester has been noted. We expect to add more beta testers likely during August.
I previously indicated my interest as well, but thought I would re-mention it, if you are expanding the beta tester pool!
Noted , thank you.
Hi, I also would like to be added to the VFR beta if possible. Thank you in advance. Let me know if any other information is needed.
Noted , thank you.
Once again, I’d like to be added to the beta! Please remember that broad beta testing without cherry-picking testers encourages effective bug detection!
Please don’t think you are forgotten.
We expect to have a further beta intake later in August.
Hi guys!
I would also like to participate in the beta if there will be an opportunity!
Thanks in advance!
If you are looking for any further participants for the beta, I’d be happy to help!
I would love to participate if possible. (Did send my application in May).
I’m currently doing VFR world tour with my friends on VATSim and would love to be able to use Navigraph and test all features.
Currently we are using Little Nav Map for this but would like to change this
Logging in to forum as reqd for beta tests
rgds SW
Logging into forum as requested for beta testing
Honoured to be offered the chance of beta testing
Just logged in, as per instructed in e-mail. Thank you very much for having me, I feel really honoured, I’ll do my best in terms of honest and substensive feedback.
All the best, looking forward into the future,