It’s been a long time, but you haven’t fixed this terrible misunderstanding! Is it really that hard to draw an icon in the general game style and adjust it to size?
Hello! Welcome back to our forum!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand this is frustrating for you, and we appreciate your patience!
We have a lot going on at the moment with few resources to go by, but we shall try to address this as soon as possible. Thanks for understanding!
Kind Regards,
I have already done your work for you and in the previous post I offered a corrected icon. You can use it FREE OF CHARGE. Moreover, I am ready to correct it with your comments.
I am not sure what you mean. Do you have another open topic in this forum where you provided an updated icon?
Fixing the icon itself is not the part that takes time. Creating the package and releasing it comes with some work on our side that we simply do not have prioritized resources for at the moment!
We’ll get to this as soon as possible. In the meantime, if I understand you correctly, you have already fixed this yourself?
Yes. Long time ago i fix this, and change icon.
Thank you! I was unaware of this topic, and it was made for an entirely different version of the Charts panel in a different simulator several years ago. The version you have posted a screenshot of is a beta version for MSFS2024.
We’ll look into this as soon as we have available resources! We don’t want to make it look like the “general game style” - we want to be easily identifiable. But the sizing should be in line with what the others look like of course!
Kind Regards,
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