Ian, forgive me if I am missing something obvious but… I was in the process of setting up a flight route using Navigraph Charts v 8.30.0 on my M1 Mac Studio desktop. At one point the display switched, by itself, to night mode. I pressed the day/night icon in the control bar but it had no effect. I made sure I had saved the route then quit the application and restarted. Same nighttime display which I cannot seem to change. Could you please let me know what I am doing to cause this or better yet, how to fix it? Thanks much.
Note… I should mention that I had the display set on Satellite mode. When I switch back to the World Map mode it displays day and night modes by toggling the day/night icon. But when i switch back to satellite view it reverts to night display which I cannot seem to change. I recall, however, seeing the satellie view in “day” mode when I first tried it. So this suggests either a bug in the app or something I am missing in the controls. Most likely the latter. Please advise.
Steve Haines