Yesterday when I tried to fly from ZULS to ZUUU, I discovered that the STARS of ZUUU are missing, APPS are working as usual, I am using AIRAC 2404 rev.1 now, can Navigraph fix this mistake?
Please check if the airport diagram (specially the runways and the idents) in MSFS are equal to the real world (02L/R and 20L/R). When not it’s an MSFS issue because then the stock scenery is ourdated.
Here the real world, whch we support:
Thanks for your email
So is this a MSFS’ official problem? And causes we can only wait for their upgrade?
NAVData via Navigraph <>于2024年5月14日 周二12:15写道:
Correct, when the airport is outdated we must wait till ASOBO/MS fix this, sorry. We may not change/add runway/s of stock sceneries, sorry …
The data are still included in our dataset and when you find a 3rd party scenery for example for ZUUU you will see all procedures immediately.
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