It crashes when, for example, I use the mouse to go from ‘Flight’ to ‘Airports’ in order to get Wx info or whatever. In short, if you click on the VR panel when in flight, you risk getting a CTD. This does not happen with Sky4Sim though when I change windows. One must ask therefore, what are they doing that Navigraph are not?
Hello! Thanks for the feedback!
We do not have any other recent reports of this happening in VR. You posted on a topic that was more than a year old, already solved, and boiled down to hardware.
Have you always encountered this issue? Or did it start happening recently? Are you using DX11 or DX12?
Kind Regards,
Thanks for your email which is greatly appreciated.
I’m using DX11, an i9, RTX 4070ti, 64gb RAM and a Pico 4 headset, so hardware is not a problem.
The sim freezes in mid-flight when changing windows, adding a chart or doing anything that requires a download. However, it does not happen every time. It is true though that I have no similar problem with any other vr application that I use or any other in game vr window or client.
I appreciate the limitations of the sim and that Navigraph cannot do anything about that. However, NG says I am up to date and running the latest version, both desktop and vr.
I doubt you’ll ever fix this. The time cost ratio is against that. However, as a fan of NH, it would be remiss of me not to report my concerns.
When used together with, NG offers huge immersion. I hope one day that it will be possible to load a NG plan straight into SI. I’m sure they’d be up for it.
Thanks again.
Hello again!
I understand that this is very annoying! We don’t have any other reports of this happening though, and I have never encountered it myself. What headset are you using?
We’d like to at least keep it in mind so that we can keep an eye out for similar reports! It is hard for us to trace an issue like this without appropriate crash logs or reproducible steps, so more reports would help narrow it down slightly!
Sounds like a cool idea! Feel free to post in in our Wishlist and add your own vote to it!
Kind Regards,
Pico 4, Quest Pro (both link cable connected) + 1 gbit internet.
Hopefully, FS2024 may improve things, though having been simming since Bruce Artwick days in the 1980s, I always keep my hopes - and disappointment - to a minimum when dealing with Microsoft
Thanks for the additional information. It is much appreciated!
Do you see the same CTD issue with both headsets?
Also, I would like to clarify: Does this mean a crash or just a temporary freeze/lag?
Unfortunately, the panel and everything it does (including network requests, of which there are many when loading the map, for example) need to share resources with the simulator. This means that some of the panel’s heavier parts (“heavy” is relative here; it would not be heavy at all if run in a normal environment outside the simulator) will ultimately affect the simulator drastically.
The things we usually recommend if this becomes an annoyance:
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N to toggle the panel - this makes sure that the panel state is not thrown away when closed, saving you from all kinds of unnecessary network requests and processing!
If the above is not enough, some utilities allow you to bring external windows/applications into your VR environment inside the simulator. Such tools can bring in the desktop Charts application, which will perform much better than the panel and have more features.
Kind Regards,
Same with both. Usually freeze the crash. Very occasionally it will freeze and recover but I then have to reset the VR NGph window.
I was thinking of ‘All in One Panel’ which can accommodate Charts 8, which Sky4Sim does not. What do you think? All in One has it’s own web server so should make life easier.
Interesting. Unfortunately, I have no idea what’s causing this for you at the moment!
That panel is unofficially wrapping our app in a way that we do not support. You can read more about our take on that panel here:
It would probably work around the issue, though, since the Charts app no longer runs in the simulator environment while being used. I’m sorry that we can’t provide a solution to the core issue at the moment!
Kind Regards,
Thanks for that info. I appreciate what you say but I do have rigorous and effective protective means to combat most threats, including server malpractice.
The panel does work though and solves the problem. I hope NG may one day provide a similar solution.
Thanks as always for spending your time on this issue.
Kind regards
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