Missing waypoint (PD211) on MAT81A STAR into ZSPD

I found out that the “PD211” point of “MAT81A” of Shanghai Pudong International Airport (ZSPD) doesn’t seem to be in the program, but there is this point on the aeronautical chart.
By the way I am using MSFS2020.

I have tried to select the MAT81A STAR into ZSPD with the FBW A320 (latest dev version) and I have the PD211 waypoint in the leg list. So this waypoint is included as you see in the following screenshots.

FBW A320 (latest dev version), stock scenery and AIRAC 2205 installed:

… and here the flightpath on the ND:

Sorry, the navdata are correct as you see. It looks, you have any other issue on your system and/or a user error. I don´t know, but this waypoint is included in the terminal procedure.


Sorry, I may have entered wrong, it may be MAT82A, I flew it again today, and there is no such point
These two pictures are from FBW

Then these two pictures are from fenix

Also, thanks for helping me test, I’m so sorry I got the program wrong

Hi again,
and thats also correct - when you look on the charts you see that the PD211 is ONLY available for MAT81A:



oh oh i saw it thank you so much!!!

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No problem - you´re welcome :wink:

Happy flying …

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