After installing Cycle 2501 rev.1, there are only 2 STARs in ZGGG and no STARs in ZUCK. How to fix this problem
Check if the runway idents are identical to the real-world runways. If not, this is the reason, and you must report this to ASOBO/MS.
So, you can confirm for ZGGG you have 01L/R, 02L/R and 19L/R, 20L/R? Correct?
Can you tell me, which 3rd party scenery you use and where I can buy this scenery?
Thank you
ZGGG for me have 02L/R, 20L/R and 01/19. But only two STARS for 02L/R. I use WF Scenery Studio ZGGG and you can buy it in in-game market or simmarket. Thanks for help
Ok, so it is NOT reflecting the real world. So please report this to the 3rd party so that they can add the runways.
In this case, we can’t do anything because the sim turns off the procedures when a runway can’t be assigned to the procedures as in this case. You have all the procedures on your system, but the sim can’t assign these procedures to the runways due to the outdated scenery.
Understood. Thank you so much
Oh by the way, how can i download Cycle 2412? Thanks a lot
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