Missing info

I deleted my X-plane 11 folder. Had a Vulkan error message that would not go away. My folder contained many payware planes and was also at 120 gig. I reinstalled X-plane 11. I downloaded and added AVI-TAB. When I went to see my location at the airport I was at all the folders were empty. After installation I never received the link to my account at Navigraph. Please help.


Hi Donald,


You might try re-establishing Navigraph Account. In X-Plane Plugins menu, Toggle Avitab on, select Providers, re Link Navigraph Account. Open Browser, enter your Navigraph details.


Thank you very much. Works like a charm now.

You are welcome.

Happy flying.


Any way to have the plane shown on the parking gates page?

Most Parking Bays charts are not georeferenced, so do not provide aircraft location (or Moving Map in Navigraph Charts).
