Metar Data not available

Hello all
I have a little problem that I cannot work out!
My AIRAC cycle is up to date, and the Zibo FMS has no messages to say otherwise, all working great
However, when I use the FMC to gain weather data (especially runway elevation etc) by entering in the airport code and send it shows NO WEATHER AVAILABLE!
I thought strange as it was working prior to this cycle
I went to the Avitab and entered the airport ICAO and again the same message came up
Can you please assist with this issue
Currently I have to enter the airport ICACO into the actual radio stack and wait for the arriving airport to transmit the ATIS and this come in at around 20-30km from the airport
Cheers guys thanks

X-Plane weather doesn’t come from Navigraph Jeffrey. Navigraph charts show runway elevation (which is fixed, obviously) but perhaps you mean QNH/altimeter from the weather report?

X-Plane downloads METAR reports periodically in bulk. I’m not sure where from but I suspect If you are using live weather, look in your X-Plane home directory and there will be a file called METAR.rwx. This has all the weather reports if you are using live weather. This is the source of weather for X-Plane, Avitab and the radio stack, so they should all agree. Sometimes a station will be missing from it though.

EDIT: Radio reports usually come in about 50nm from an airport, which can be a bit late for airports with 18000 transition altitude but tends to be OK in most of Europe.

Which airport is giving you trouble?

Thank you for your response I do appreciate it
It is happening at every airport I had assumed that it had something to do with Simlink but after reading your response will look elsewhere
I have FS Real Weather along with SkyMax Pro V5 will checkout the individual simlinks/connectors
Take care mate

Whilst my cycle is up to dat, my FMC in all boeing planes is saying out of date
Now I have "earth_msa.dat is broken?
Im also getting application was unable to start
I thought I had done everything, but obviously not and its bugging me I cant work it out

Nav 3
As can be seen in my GHS430 I have the correct cycle.
My cycle data sheet is also up to date as can be seen
Hoping you mat be able to assist