macOS 11 Big Sur: Simlink Hangs, X-Plane Cannot Launch

Hello everyone! Seems like quite a few of you have encountered this issue by now. We’re sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused! Meanwhile, I do have some good news for you all.

A new version of Simlink is now released! :tada:
It is temporarily available here. This new version is compatible with macOS Big Sur and should be able to run without any issues. It will soon be included in all new installations of the Charts application, and users running older (working) versions of Simlink are already being prompted to update to the new version.

See you in the skies!



3 posts were split to a new topic: New Simlink version crashing on Big Sur

I guess you have to download it from the above link, since in the package with Navigraph-Charts still the old version is included.

Hello Florian! Welcome to the forum!

Yes you are correct. Currently, the new version of Simlink is not included in new downloads of the Charts application. However, the process of including the new version in that package as well is already underway and thus, the whole package should soon be up-to-date as well!



Hi Team,

A new version of Charts (v 7.3.7) & Simlink (v for macOS have been released.

Changes are:

  1. Bundled latest version of mac version Simlink
  2. Fix Charts execution issue on BigSur macOS

For completeness, we suggest you uninstall Charts and Simlink and download and install Charts+Simlink for macOS.

We would appreciate feedback that it fixes previous issues you may have had.

The Navigraph Team

Hello - I just tried installing this today but Simlink refuses to open. When I click “reopen”, I get several error messages with “permission denied” in the script. Something to do with Segmentation fault: 11. Is this something anyone else has reported?


Welcome back.

I suggest you uninstall Charts and Simlink and download and install Charts+Simlink for macOS .

Please advise how you get on.


Thank you for the really quick response Ian.

I’m running macOS Big Sur 11.4

Here are the steps I’ve taken:

  • Go to Finder on Mac → Applications → Moved both Navigraph Charts and Simlink to trash.
  • Moved NavigraphSinlink_64.xpl to trash manually from the Plugins folder
  • Installed from the link that you shared.
  • Started up Xplane & Navigraph Charts and loaded a flight on a runway.
  • Tried “Enable Moving Maps”… and I get a message “Could not connect to Simulator”
  • Tried to manually start Simlink. Got a “Navigraph Simlink quit unexpectedly” prompt. Hit 'Reopen"

A terminal window opens up with the below:
Last login: Sat Jul 24 17:50:57 on console

The default interactive shell is now zsh.

To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.

For more details, please visit Use zsh as the default shell on your Mac - Apple Support.

Bevins-MacBook-Pro:~ bevin_mathew$ /Applications/Navigraph\\ Simlink ; exit;

mkdir: /Users/bevin_mathew/Library/Application Support/Navigraph/Simlink/: File exists

rm: /Users/bevin_mathew/Library/Application Support/Navigraph/Simlink// Directory not empty

rm: /Users/bevin_mathew/Library/Application Support/Navigraph/Simlink// Directory not empty

QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to Navigraph::Simlink::ViewComponents::LoginWidget “”, which already has a layout

QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to Navigraph::Simlink::ViewComponents::LoginWidget “”, which already has a layout

QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to Navigraph::Simlink::ViewComponents::LoginWidget “”, which already has a layout

Segmentation fault: 11


Saving session…

…copying shared history…

…saving history…truncating history files…


[Process completed]

Hi Bevin,

We are investigating, might take till weekday.


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Hi Bevin,

I understand Vishal has resolved the issue with you, to do with a .settings file.

Please confirm.
