Loading simbrief FP inpmdg-aircraft -738

I have a PMDG 737-700 and 737-800. After making a flightplan in Simbrief with the 737-800 I exported this via the simbriefdownloader to PMDG Flightplan. The flightplan is visible in pmdg-aircraft-737/work/flightplans but not in the 737-800 /work/Flightplans.
When I copy and paste the fp to the work/flightplans of 737-800 it works well.


You will need to add separate folders for the 737 and 738 in the SimBrief Downloader. In the Downloader, simply click the “+” icon to the right of the PMDG Flightplan format. Then browse to the pmdg-aircraft-738\work\Flightplans folder to export to this folder. You can do the same for the PMDG Wind Uplink format if you’d like.

You PMDG folders should look something like this when done (actual folder paths may vary):

Best regards,

Thank you.
I will change this.

Kind regards,
Peter Scheffer