in Parma (LIMP) Star LUPOS 1B is missing in Navdata but present in charts.
Thank you.
From: Ian via Navigraph notifications@navigraph1.discoursemail.com
To: maxx@digital-system.it
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 01:24:07 +0000
Subject: [Navigraph] [MSFS Navdata/SID/STAR/APPR] LIMP missing LUPOS 1B Star
I don’t see LIMP STAR LUPOS 1B in Charts or elsewhere . If you feel it
is missing please provide AIP reference.I do see LUPOS 2A .
Hi Ian,
thank you for your answer.
Attached you can see LUPOS 1B taken from Navigraph Charts (2301).
LUPOS 2A is for RNAV only arrivals, LUPOS 1B is conventional.
Yes I saw that afterwards and thought I had deleted my post.
We are investigating…
the reason why this is not in the data are the DME Arc - coding a DME Arc needs a center waypoint and that´s missing in the AIP Italy (as you also see on the Jeppesen charts).
The coding of AF legs require the Arc defining navaid needs to be a collocated VHF (means a VOR, VORDME, a VORTAC or a TACAN). There is no such navaid available and thats exactly the reason, why you see the note “conventional” on the chart because this can only be flown manually/classic but can´t be coded according the standard ARINC424 rules.
Hope that helps,
Hi Richard,
I thought localizer DME was enough.
You never stop learning.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Thanks Massimo - yes, the ILS-DME should be, for a more or less “classic” DME arc, enough but not for coding the FMC databases. For this you need one of the navaid-types which I have posted before. There are also a few DME arc approaches with NDBs as reference point - but also these approaches are not codeable due the same reason.
Anyways, yes - never stop learing, the same is valid for me
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