LIMC LAG6I Sid not matching


I generated a flight with SIMBRIEF and was given
LIMC/35R N0334F190 LAG6I LAGEN L50 ELB M729 RIFFI/N0410F310 M729 PNZ PNZ1B LIRN/24

On the MCDU I was not able to find any LAG… SIDs and when I import the flight details in Navigraph I am told that ‘the value LAG6I must be a waypoint or airway or SID or STAR’. SIMBRIEF recognise LAGSI as a SID.

Why is that happening? I am using the latest AIR cycle.

when you look on the charts, you will see that LAG6I is a transition and not a SID. Simbrief doesn’t differ between a SID and a SUD transition. Also when a transition is available tamhen it means there are more than one SIDs available to this transition.

This a normal case and happens specially on italian airports. So, you must select a SID which ends at DOGUB, like the DOGU6T, the MMP6L, MMP6M, … After that the LAGEN transition.

Again, this is a little bit tricky on italian airports because the AIP Italy uses also own idents for the transitions.

Add a SID + the LAGEN transition into your fp in the charts and all is good.

Hope that helps

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