I imported the flight into Navigraph Charts and it didn’t recognize NED5Z as SID giving the message “The value NED5Z must be waypoint or airway or SID or STAR”. The weird thing is that the chart for that SID is there in the application. It didn’t appeared in the A320 FMC either (which is the worst part really).
the NED5Z is a RNAV transition and existing in the charts (SID index 10-3V6) and also in the data. But this transition starts at the NOV NDB, so you need ie. the NOV7 SID to follow the NEDED transition.
Try the NOV7 SID and you will see, that you have an NEDED transition. LIMC is special here because this airport has also own peocedure ident for transitions also and therefore the SIDs must be read correctly.
No, no … this ia really special and not so “clear” as most of the other procedures. I have also looked deeper into it … So, no reason to feel stupid. Most of us are none pilots and all the knowledge what we have, what we get is due sharing such things.
So, no need to feel stupid my friend