LEMI departure runway 23 RESTU1S it’s missing in Simbrief and MSFS (I guess in any other sim aswell)

RESTU 1S contains a condition to turn at D4.0 when inbound MUR.

The leg to MUR would actually be a DF-Leg since there is no Radial specified. But then you would need to ignore the D4.0 and let the turn anticipation of the aircraft to its magic in order to be able to have it in the database.

So maybe Jeppesen decided to exclude it from the database for that reason. With conventional procedures there is sometimes no right or wrong and the data providers need to come up with their own decision wheter they include it and ignore the D4.0 as in this case or they leave it out completely. Since it is a conventional procedure the DB is not really needed.


first of all welcome at Navigraph and thank you for your report.

I can´t really answer this question but I assume this can´t really be coded due the D4/MUR condition without a radial. But we will ask Jeppesen, if this is really the case. Will inform you, when we have an answer …

In the meanwhile, thanks and have a great weekend

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Thanks Jan (@jpschuchna) … ok, then it´s clear and the valid answer is, can´t be coded :wink:


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