Looks like the direction of the LOC is not the correct heading and also, it is for opposite runway.
EX.: When we land on RWY 01, keeping autoland until the end, the aircraft lands at the right of RWY01 threshold, and ends centered on the LOC of RWY19 at the beggining of RWY19. So maybe this problem is the one we are having on plenty airports, making a wrong LOC for some ILSs.
I’m unsure if I understand you correctly because what you describe is the expected behavior. When you land on 01, the localizer antenna is at the end of 01, so on 19.
I have checked the localizer antenna position in the ProSim database:
ILS 01 (IMH)
In both screenshots, the antenna position is precisely where it should be. The red line is the extended centerline and is centered here. So, it must be another issue, but I can´t see any data issue or offset here. Sorry.