LAM VOR in Great Britain

Good afternoon everyone. I’ve been displaying this issue after planning a flight from EPKT to EGGD. LAM VOR is not recognized. I tried to fix manually but I’m not able to get it. Autoroute planner only recognize a south-american airport. Attach a shot.

Cheers Nico

Same problem here!

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after EVNAS waypoint go down in Argentina (General Lamadrid airport)

I have this problem…Whats happened here ? Lam VOR did work but the clickspot is now missing

Hi Navigraph…are you aware of this bug and is a fix in progress yet ?


We issued a fix for this during the weekend. Please try again and report back if it still exists. Provide a screenshot and your full flight plan (Use export > copy to clipboard, and paste here).



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Hello Stephen

Works fine now on autorouting…thanks. Seems sometimes difficult to differentiate LAM VOR from co-located Airport EGSG…

If EGSG selected in error what is the method to remove it without re-doing the whole route as there is no "undo last entry ". ?



Has daveji question been answered? I can’t blame anyone but myself but I am still in the learning curve and often add a wrong waypoint. Isn’t there any way to remove a segment from a flight plan without starting over?