Lake Hood PALH missing Comms

Hi, can you folks please add Comm Information - specifically the Tower frequency of PALH 126.8 to the charts? Lake Hood Alaska is the largest seaplane base in the world, and I’d like to use Say Intentions AI ATC when flying into PALH in FS2024, but its missing the tower comm. Thank You.

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

Thank you for the feedback. In cases like these, it’s always much appreciated if you can reference official authorities (AIP publications), which we can send to our data provider when we ask if they’d be open to adding it to their data.

In this case, I found this document: PALH -

While we can’t add this frequency ourselves, we will try reaching out to our data provider. We’ll keep you posted when I have further updates!

Kind Regards,

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Hello again!

Information for this airport will be included with one of the coming cycles! Thank you for the feedback!

Kind Regards,

Thank you very much!