Klm ofp leg/ttl time

Hello guys,

just a heads up that the LEG TIME and TOTAL TIME in the KLM OFP are skewed up by one block. Meaning that the estimated time over a waypoint is listed behind the previous waypoint. You can confirm this at the end of the OFP where you see the total flight time is listed at the last waypoint, and the airport itself only has dots where LEG and TOTAL TIME should be. (Also at the beginning where the runway waypoint is already populated with a total time even though you just took off).

I don’t believe the real OFP is like this as it is super confusing. It took me 15 minutes to figure out why my waypoint times were so off, but the fuel and estimated time to landing were correct.

This is actually how the real OFP is, at least as far as I know. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Yes, just found out as well. Super weird. Heard it through the grapevine it is going to be changed soon because of this in part.

Cheers and thanks

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