In-Game Panel Chart zoom remember

at the In-Game Panel and also the Charts App, the zoom is always maxed out at 1st start. It would be helpful, that the Panel and the Charts App starts with the last zoom and position.


Hello! Sorry to hear that you’re having this issue.

Please see this topic, specifically the linked post, and follow the instructions to verify that the panel is doing what it’s supposed to:

Kind Regards,

Thank you Malte,
in the Sim the inGame Panel shows 200km at every open. If I set it to 10km at the next open it shows 200km.
The 2 values from your Thread are there and always showing “1”.

I have a similar problem with Charts. Every first start it opens with 1000km. I always have to zoom in to my favorite airport (LOAU). If I choose LOAU from Airports and click this location marker it zooms to 100km. It would be helpful that Charts and also the inGame Panel remembers my zoom level of 2km.

I hope you can change this in a next version.


Sorry, I completely misunderstood you. You are not talking about the interface scale - you are talking about the actual map zoom. That is another thing!

The map zoom is automatically set based on the route in your flight if you have one loaded.
We do have internal plans to persist the zoom when no flight is loaded, but I can’t promise any ETAs since the team is currently working on other things. I will give it an internal bump though!

Kind Regards,

Oh, no problem! Sorry, I mixed up map zoom with interface scale.

It would be great, that this could be changed in a next update. Most of the time I’m using the ingame panel without a flightplan for watching the map only.

Will this be changed in the Charts App also? There it es the same “problem” for me.


When it is fixed, it will be fixed for both the Charts application and the panel! I can’t promise that it will be in the next update though due to current priorities. But it is already on the internal roadmap!

So after coming across this post to my understanding you guys are talking about the interface scaling correct??? … every time or most of the time that I open the in game panel charts in VR the interface scale needs to be set to my preferred 160% for best viewing in VR … It is an annoyance but I deal with it … too bad it doesn’t remember and use last used interface scale used upon re-opening …

No I’m not talking about the interface scaling. I’m talking about the zoom of the map when opening the Charts App, wether on iPad or PC. Everytime at opening I see the whole world. It would be great if Charts remembers the last position, even without a loaded flightplan.

Could you create a topic in the Wishlist for this? I’d like to close this topic to avoid any confusion.

@RawFPV , see this topic: Interface scaling

Kind Regards,