Hi Derek,
Sorry but I think there is a misunderstanding here, that website uses SimBrief API to generate flight plans as like most of us, and at the result page there is an edit button, which again uses your officially provided documentation to generate a link (with the Static ID logic) to the user’s latest ofp and it loads up the page in a modal window (like an iframe, which is not much different from opening a new tab).
As you know, login requirements do apply for both the api ofp generation and getting the last generated ofp according to your documentation. So how this can be a security problem or something blocked by security reasons of the browser ?
I had similar problems in the past, even for logging in to Navigraph services and had to clean up my browser cache several times to bypass login / authentication errors. And I assume this is related to something in communication between navigraph servers and the pilot’s browser rather than an implementation issue the VA needs to handle.
Safe flights,
— Edit; Example screenshot from a working page;
- At background you can see the api generated ofp
- And the edit window on top of it (which is a modal window, loading up simbrief dispatch page with the same ofp by static id)