it might be an error on my part, but lately when doing an IFPS validation, the resultant pop-up window that includes the ATC plan string no longer includes the airframe’s Mode-S code. Leading NOP to return an error (If Item 18 includes J1). Entering the CODE/xxxxxx manually into the string removes that error, allowing the validation to proceed with further checks.
I know, once you start down the IFPS validate it’s gonna be slippery. You will have it in your OFP ATC string, but for some reason, when pressing the IFPS validate, that same “CODE/” string is not added to the ATC window for me.
Eurocontrol now requires the CODE/ to be supplied in certain airspace if the equipment string contains J1.
Will be fixed in the next version, but no release ETA. For now one workaround would be to remove J1 from your airframe’s equipment, either in the airframe settings or manually when validating.