ID Simbrief non reconnu sur Beyondatc

Sur Beyondatc quand je tape mon ID Pilote la reponse est “No response from simulator. Aborting”
quelle est la solution , creer un nouveau compte pour avoir un nouveau n° ID ??
merci pour la solution



Please post in English.


Hello Ian

Excuse me for posting in French, but I am 75 years old and in my childhood there was no English at school, being passionate about airliner simulation, I can read and understand navigation terms,

But I can’t write it except with the help of Google Translate

my problem comes from the Pilot ID my account was created before Simbrief was taken over by Navigraph and my ID was galaenn and I think the error comes from the transformation of letters into numbers, I have just installed the A380-800 from Flybywire and on the tablet when I typed 220420 my ID I had an error message when I typed “galaenn” the tablet transformed my ID from letters to numbers and it worked,

having bought Beyondatc it asks me for my Pilot ID but the only possibility is in numbers and the answer is “impossible to connect to Navigraph”

my question can you change my ID or I need to create a new Navigraph and Simbrief account to have a new ID

Thank you for your answer

Sincerely Jean Francois ETEVE