How to update navdata for FSX/P3D?

Hi, I just purchased my first subscription for the charts and navdata. The FMS Data Manger sees certain FSX:SE and P3Dv5 aircraft as well as X-Plane 11 but I don’t see a way to install the navdata for all of FSX and P3D, just those certain aircraft. I was under the impression that the Data Manager allows updating of the whole sims not just certain planes or am I wrong? Is there a way to fully update the data for both FSX:SE and P3Dv5?



Please see FAQ - Navigraph updates for FS9, FSX and P3D only.


Thank you for the helpful link. At least I see it shows one other way to update those sims. I know FSX is becoming obsolete at this point but I still use it a lot because I have a very modified version with Orbx scenery, REX texures/weather and I have planes that I still love flying, like planes that don’t yet exist for any other flight simulator or I don’t own for any other simulator so I really wanted it to be as updated as possible. Same goes for P3D.

I have another question about updating X-Plane 11. I see in the manager it updated the sim itself but I notice when looking on the manual downloads page, it also shows different aircraft, some of which I own like the SSG 747-800. Do I have to manually update it since it’s not showing up in the manager?


If you have your aircraft in the…\X-Plane 11\Aircraft directory, the latest FMS Data Manager should detect it:

Otherwise, in Addon Mappings press +Add,
for Please select an addon… select SSG Boeing 748i, E-Jets Evolution and
for Install into… select X-Plane 11.


Thank you so much. I have all my aircraft updated now except for one. I also have the 777 by FlightFactor/VMax for X-Plane 11 and I’m not seeing it on the list to add manually. It does have a custom FMC so it should be supported right? I did see this in the list “X-Plane GNS430, FF757/767/777, X-Crafts Embraer E-175/195, Aerobask SkyView, JRollon Planes CRJ200, JARDesign A320/A330, ToLiss A319 (XP10), STMA Aircraft, Magknight 787AE”, is this the right one? For 777’s I only see one listed there and also a Wilco 777 which I don’t believe is it. Anyone know if the 777 by FlightFactor/VMax is supported?

Yes the FlightFactor VMAX-777-Pro-Ext Boeing 777 is the FF777 referred to in entry
X-Plane GNS430, FF757/767/777, X-Crafts Embraer E-175/195, Aerobask SkyView, JRollon Planes CRJ200, JARDesign A320/A330, ToLiss A319 (XP10), STMA Aircraft, Magknight 787AE.

You should have that large entry in your Addon List. If not +Add into Addon Mappings as above.


Great, thank you for clarifying that. Thanks to all of you for the help, I greatly appreciated it. I’ve been flight simming for years but I am just now starting to learn how to fly commercial jets so I have a lot to learn. I just bought the 747 and the 777 recently. Things like programming an FMC and creating real flight plans with SIDS and STARS is new to me. That’s why I got the subscription to Navigraph so I can learn how to understand and create real true to life flight plans just like commercial pilots do.

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