How to get a (modified) flight plan from Charts into SimBrief?

Hi, I am still new to Navigraph and SimBrief and I have to admit I find it pretty difficult to find out how these two tools work together. I understand they are supposed to be used both but idk how.

If I create a flight in Navigraph Charts, how do I get it into SimBrief so I can add the rest of the information for my OFP there?

Or the other way round, if I create a flight plan in SimBrief, how do I get it into Charts, modify it, add a departure and approach and get that back into SimBrief?

Can somebody help me figure out how this is supposed to work, please?

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hello sethas
Here’s my workaround:
I create a new flight in the SIM-Brief by entering Depart, Arrival and the aircraft. I may adjust the runways and routes and finally click on “Generate” and create the OFP. Important: OFP is always a possible planning that takes place before the flight.
When I’m on the plane, I go to the Navigraph charts and go to Flights - Import Flight - Import from SimBrief and pull in the planned flight. Now I can adjust the departures and approaches depending on the weather and ATC.
In real life, it can happen again and again that the runway, for example, changes at short notice

Hello balu69, thanks for your reply. So I understand the OFP doesn’t need to be totally accurate in regard to the departures or approaches. But what if I’d like to modify the route manually in Navigraph Charts? Is it possible to somehow update the route in SimBrief according to the changes in Navigraph Charts?

I’m not a pilot, but I think that in real life the OFP is not adjusted afterwards. The OFP is only adjusted manually at most.
In the SIM-Life you can load the route into the clipboard in the Navigraph charts under Flights - Export - Copy to Clipboard and paste it into the Simbrief under Route this

Ok, this works for me. Thank you.

i make my route in charts, click the edit button at the top at the route info and copy the whole plan. after selecting airports and aircraft in simbrief, i delete simbrief’s advised route and paste my route into simbrief . that works quite well for me

I’m gonna try this. Thanks.

See also Simbrief or Navigraph? - #4 by Ian and How to combine two flight plans ( SimBrief & Navigraph ) - #2 by Ian.


Thanks for the links, Ian. Since this question seems to come up often, may I suggest that you add a button for it? Something like “Transfer flight plan to SimBrief” or something? Especially when you are starting out, in my experience, you ask yourself why you need two tools at all and then next, how do they actually work together? Apparently not at all for this use case.


We are working on ways to further improve the flight plan transfer between Charts and SimBrief. Stay tuned.



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That’s great, thanks for the info :+1:

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