GFP format (Garmin GTN) wrong export for ambiguous waypoints

I noticed that for the Garmin GTN flight plan exports (TDS GTNXi and Flight1 GTN) the format of ambiguous waypoints is not handled correctly.
This leads to problems when importing into software that is based on the Garmin GTN trainer.
For example this exported GFP file:


MAH is not a unique waypoint name (worldwide), so the flight plan will load incomplete, missing MAH and the Y100 airway.
To solve this, the coordinates should be inserted after the waypoint, separated by a comma (MAH,N48158E011187), so the unit can decide which is the correct waypoint:


It is also seems possible to simply add coordinates to all waypoints, unique or not.
The format looks to be [N|S]DDMMm[E|W]DDDMMm (D=degrees with leading zeroes, M=minutes with leading zeroes m=first decimal place of minutes (rounded)).

Would be great if that change could be made to the export.



I’ve made the changes, let me know if it works as it should.


Thank you, so far no issues with the plans I had :+1:

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