Format Error

Here’s a short video I made today Tim. See if you can figure out if I’m making any errors.

It almost seems like the plane is going in the incorrect direction

You’re clicking on the line select key next to the FLT NBR input field (“L3” tooltip) while “AOC RTE UPLINK” is in the scratchpad (basically, telling the FMS that you want to set “AOC RTE UPLINK” as your flight number).

Earlier, you make the same mistake clicking the line select key next to the CI input field (“L5” tooltip) but the aircraft does not throw a FORMAT ERROR where it probably should and initializes the cost index to 0 instead (possibly a bug in the aircraft).

(1) [optional but recommended] when you receive AOC RTE UPLINK in the scratchpad (to inform you that the route has been uplinked successfully), use the CLR key to clear the scratchpad

(2) [mandatory] don’t click the line select key next to any input field until after entering valid data for said input field in the scratchpad; sometimes it works without valid data but it’s not correct procedure

For example:

  • select INIT REQUEST, wait for route uplink
  • CLR the scratchpad
  • type 30 in the scratchpad first, then press L5
    – this also happens to save you one click compared to the video
  • type the flight number in the scratchpad first, then press L3



Hi Tim, I programmed the scratchpad exactly as you said and it seemed fine and it made more sense the way that I was doing. New video enclosed. When I looked at the flight plan, didn’t seem correct. When I started the flight and after I put the auto pilot on, it looked like it made a correct turn to the first waypoint. But when I got close to the second waypoint rather than the plane turning left it kept going straight. Still not sure what I’m doing wrong. When I fly the other A320 200 once you hit the auto pilot, it goes automatically to every waypoint and directly to the destination airport without touching any other buttons. Thanks again, Jerry

Hi Tim, I’ve got a giant favor to ask of you and I would understand if you don’t want to do it.
I’m still having trouble with the A320 V2
About five days ago, you had mentioned that you did a flight and everything worked well on your computer. I’ve watched a half a dozen you tube videos and I still can’t seem to get it correct.
Is there any way that you could find time to do a tutorial on YouTube with a Sim Brief flight plan, then importing it to the Airbus A320 V2 MCDU and then a short flight. That Way I could follow everyone of your moves to see exactly what you’re doing, Thank You, Jerry

Sorry, I haven’t had time to watch your latest video.

I don’t really feel like doing a tutorial (especially since I prefer to fly the Fenix), but I am sure there are plenty of tutorials about the iniBuilds A320neo V2 already. When I have time I’ll see if I can recommend one.



No problem, I understand.

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