Format Error

I loaded a Sim brief flight to MSFS my A320 V2 MCDU. I get a format error on my flight level/ temperature and I cannot figure out how to change that to work properly. Any suggestions would be appreciated

Can you provide a screenshot of the MCDU perhaps?



And that’s entered by the INIT REQUEST or typed manually by you in the scratchpad?

Maybe try FL120/-08 instead.



Entered by init request, When I tried typing in FL120/-08 and hit the soft key it automatically showed FL120/-8 which then showed format error below FL120/-8
When I fly the A320 200 (not the V2) I have absolutely no problem with flight Sim loading properly on the MCDU. I have no idea why it’s doing this and I don’t know how to fix it

Just out of curiosity, I tried another flight plan KCLE to KORD. While putting in information from INITRequest, it said Airport not in database. I continued to put in flight number and cost index and then it said FL380/-56 degrees and under that says format error again

INIT REQUEST !! And I tried typing in flight level 280/-08 degrees and it immediately showed FL280/-8

Not sure what’s going on. I might have time to try the A20N tomorrow.



Tim, I thought I would send you the screenshot of what it shows on a YouTube video that I Watched today a Sim Brief import to an A320 version 2 Says AOC RTE UPLINK

Hi Tim, just wondered if you had time to do any further investigation into my situation ??

Not yet no.



I contacted MSFS and they said to contact iniBuilds and see if there was a coding problem
I sent them an email this afternoon so I’m not sure when they’re gonna get back with me

No such issue here. Only way I can get FORMAT ERROR is entering e.g. F110/-8 (i.e. I forget the L in FL).

Can you record a video somehow?



Thx Tim, I’ll try and get a video done tomorrow. I appreciate your help !!

Hi Tim, I made a video, unfortunately it’s pretty large and this site only allows up to 20 MB. The video I have is over 4 minutes and probably close to 500 MB. I have not been able to figure out a way to get it to you through this site. i’ll put my email address in here. If you would want just email me off this site and I promise I would not share your email address out to anybody.

Or if you could you send me an attachment link, then I can put it in that !!

Easiest if you have a Google account would be to upload to YouTube and provide the link.

Otherwise, using a service like Dropbox or similar and sharing the link it gives you.



Not sure what is going on, but the “airport not in database” looks like a possible bug in the iniBuilds A320neo? What if you specify an alternate airport instead of “none”-- maybe that’s what iniBuilds is having trouble parsing?

The FORMAT ERROR, on the other hand, looks like it comes from you trying to input the flight number while “AIRPORT NOT IN DATABASE” is in the scratchpad (instead of a valid flight number).



Hi Tim, you were correct on the airport not in database, once I put in an alternate airport I didn’t have that showing any longer.
I did what you said regarding a valid flight number I looked up an American Airlines flight number and I picked out AA 1260
I went ahead and tried the flight half a few times and one time when I put in my CI and flight number and hit the flight number soft key it said format error
Of the flights I went ahead and put in all the information and I put the CI in first before the flight number and I would hit the soft key after putting in the number it would say format error
Then another time I went ahead and put in the CI number without the flight number
In underneath the flight level temperature, I got to where it said AOC RTE UPLINK
Another time, putting all the information in I was able to put in the CI And the flight number and I thought everything was going to be good, But then I went to the instrument panel to see what the flight look like and it just didn’t look correct so I started the flight anyway, and the plane actually flew in the incorrect direction.
I’m gonna play around with it a little tomorrow and I see if I can get you another video and see if you can figure out if I’m making any mistakes Again Thx for the assistance !!