In the real Boeing 737 when entering the SID TOPLA3M on ESGG for runway 03, the CDU show B=Bellow and A=Above letters next to the altitude or speed restriction.
I wonder if this is a FMS data limitation or a PMDG FMS limitation? The CDU only shows 210 and 900 but now above or below letters.
this is a PMDG syntax limitation. We also have this constraints in our database but due the specific syntax, we can´t use it for the PMDG. Sorry - this is a PMDG limitation.
Are the altitude constraints included (at/above/below/between) … in the current version, the speed is only AT but we have a request from ProSim to extend the database with AT/ABOVE/BELOW signs for the speeds in the database too that ProSim can use this additional information.
Hi Jacob,
both departures are coded correctly in the ProSim db. I have just checked it … the 210kts restriction is only set at GG403, and not for all following sequences.
As I wrote before, currently the speed is only a “AT” (not below, not above) … the speed constraint is defined at the waypoint GG403. How Prosim that handles exactly, I don´t know … we only offer the data but not the logic behind. Possible you ask such questions in their forum.