Fms data manager not updating properly

As a long time Navigraph customer, I have suddenly run into problems with FMS.

I have never ever been comfortable with FMS Manager, although I absolutely love the Charts implementation. These problems and difficulties always arise when my flight sim software and hardware is undergoing changes and I need to make changes to FMS settings. I find its whole user interface utterly puzzling , will it ever be changed to something somewhat more meaningful with proper explanatory text. This whole area of end-user human factors is very much a hot button for me. Developers must always step out of their shoes and imagine themselves as a customer who approaches their software only on very rare occasions to make updates and has therefore forgotten everything they did in the past.

Can somebody just lay down the set of rules that guarantees my XPlane 12 will find my NAV data. Maybe I can ignore FMS Data Manager and just do it with a cut-and-paste operation, it would be so much easier.

The FMS Data Manager doesn´t change anything. So, when the settings are all correct (before), and you don´t change anything (at least the root sim path), nothing will be changed in the FMS Data Manager too.

You wrote that you had suddenly run into problems with FMS. I’m unsure if you mean the FMS Data Manager or any FMS/C. When you mean the FMS Data Manager, what have you changed on your XP12 installation (especially the root path of XP12)?

Thank you & Happy New Year,

Hi Richard,

Thank you for your comment. I think my post was a little bit to fierce and I am beginning to regret it. It was somewhat unclear that I was specifically thinking about the FMS Data Managers Setting interface rather than the monthly Update process. After some further checking, I think my problems lie elsewhere than Navigraph and hence I should be apologising to them. They are one of my most favourite providers of software function. However having had a lifetime in software I always take an interest in how a devloper presents his function to the end-user. Cheers NobbyH

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