I’d like to import my most recent simbrif flight plan with fewer clicks. currently have to go through 4 clicks to load my most recent plan
Did you know that there is an “Import into Charts” button in SimBrief? That could be a quicker way!
Kind Regards,
I actually didn’t! Not sure how I ever missed that! Thank you. I’d still like fewer clicks within the navigraph app though.
That’s great! Now you have a quicker way to import the flight.
I don’t really see how we could reduce the amount of clicks required inside the app, but you are welcome to come with suggestions! This wishlist topic also serves as an indicator to see if other community members would also like to see such a change - feel free to vote for it yourself!
Kind Regards,
Perhaps another in addition to the two there and loads in the most recent flight plan from simbrief. or have the most recent simbrief plan load at the top of the list without manually having to do it. See attached screenlist of the list I refer to. Then you wouldn’t need the manual import from simbrief option every time. It’s just a far better UX.